Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm done with this Governor

Bad news for gun owners today...  AB 144 was signed into law by the governor.  The law makes it illegal to openly carry a handgun in public.

When Brown ran for governor, I really didn't believe he was opposed to gun rights.  I voted for him because he supported gay rights, and he seemed like he would be able to do tough budget cutting without going after our social programs with a political agenda like the GOP would have, and I believed he wasn't opposed to gun rights.

Now, instead of solving our budget crisis, he has signed legislation giving our tax dollars away to pay for the tuition for illegal immigrants, signed legislation prohibiting open carrying of unloaded handguns, and he signed another bill, AB 809, that requires registration of our rifles and shotguns.

I will never vote for this guy again.

Don't just sit by and be angry about this, contact the governor and let him know how you feel about this.  I called his office and spoke with one of his aides today, and I also sent him an email.

You call call the governors office at (916) 445-2841, you can email him at, and you can send him mail at:

Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

The only thing he has really accomplished by signing this bill is he has committed our tax dollars to legal fees and court costs, because this bill will certainly be challenged, and it will be defeated in court.  The Supreme Court has already ruled the second amendment applies to governments at all levels, and that governments at any level cannot create gun legislation that puts an undue burden on a citizens ability to enjoy their rights under the 2nd amendment.

Please visit and make a small donation to help cover the costs of this lawsuit.  I will be making small donations myself.

Just like the right to marry (prop 8), our civil liberties are under attack from all sides.  We must stand up together and resist in order to preserve our civil liberties.

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