Saturday, April 27, 2013

Proof and Critical Thinking Defined


For the purpose of any discussion where proof is offered, or examination of any question where proof is sought, proof shall be defined as:  A combination of logical consistency  and  empirical evidence.

These two elements (logic and evidence) are both required because theories attempt to describe what exists in our reality, and reality is both rational and material - Logic and evidence.

     Logical  Constancy: 

  • The first requirement is logical  consistency.  If logic fails, the hypothesis or proposition fails.
  • Logic is a necessary but not sufficient element
  • If a conflict arises between logic and evidence, evidence always wins.

     Empirical Evidence:

  • A source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation.  
  • Observation and experimentation must be conducted in accordance with the scientific method.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a way to approach problems and make decisions.  We all do some critical thinking already and we can all improve our critical thinking ability. If you study and practice critical thinking, your concept of it will continue to develop.  We should all strive to become better, more critical thinkers.