Sunday, March 31, 2013

Remembering Terry Schiavo

Today I am remembering Terri Schiavo, who was finally allowed to die on 3/31/05 after being the center of a fight about the power of the government to interfere with a husband making end of life decisions for his wife.

Today we must remember to not allow our government to become so intrusive that they begin violating our privacy and interfering with personal, family decisions.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Dead jesus Day!

Today is a holiday christians around the world celebrate the day their alleged savior died for them.   Ofcourse, the holiday coming on Sunday, the day they celebrate their gods claimed  resurrection, is a much larger, more celebrated holiday, this day every year is called "Good Friday" by christians all over the world.

Hell yeah I celebrate the day they claim the freak hung from a dead tree.  I call this day "great friday!"

Happy great friday everyone!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Is Psychology coming out of the dark ages?

First, they admit homosexuality is not a mental defect, or a result of one; Now kinky sex.  Is psychology experiencing a  renaissance?  Full Story on Slate.