Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Wild Within

One of the best shows on television right now is Steven Rinella's "The Wild Within" on the Travel Channel, Sunday's at 10 pm.  

Intended for people who aren't necessarily hunters or outdoorsman, Steven tries to use his show to educate Americans about the other ways to obtain food (other than the local market that sells mass produced food that is genetically modified and crammed full of hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides), about the ethics most hunters value, and about how abundant good food can be all around us.

From recreating part of Lewis and Clarks journey while Elk hunting in South Dakota, to hunting Moose in the Bush in Alberta Canada, to catching Crab in Alaska, to cooking up and eating a racoon found dead on the side of the road in San Francisco, Stevens skill as a hunter/gatherer/outdoorsman, his passion for animals and wildlife/habitat conservation, and his love of food cooked on the grill will educate some, inspire others, and will entertain everyone.

I sincerely hope there are many more episodes to come...

"We realized this kind of show could be done on TV if we interpreted hunting in a way that’s important to me, and the only way I look at it is hunting is about food," ... "‘Sustainably raised,’ ‘humanely harvested,’ ‘free range.’ I just always called it wild game."   -Steven Rinella

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