Friday, November 9, 2012

Charles Nichols - California Right To Carry

What a disappointment! Charles Nichols, founder/organizer of California Right To Carry, while he may be doing good work with regards to suing the state over the prohibition of concealed carry, and open unloaded carry, turns out is a grade A #1 douche bag.

Right before the election, he decided to pimp his favorite candidate on the California Right To Carry Facebook Page, and when I responded with an opinion he didn't like, he deleted my posts and banned me from posting to the site.

You know your position is weak and your arguments are flawed when you can't allow anyone to see them challenged on your facebook page.

And to think I was going to open my wallet and send him a donation to help pay for the court case he's fighting.  I'm glad I hadn't sent it yet.

That guy is a joke.

You can see the conversation in the photo below.  When he refers to TB, he's talking to me.  All my posts were deleted.  I wish I had anticipated that and captured a picture to post here before he deleted my posts.  I should have known he was weak enough to pull something like that.

Here's to you Charles Nichols.  May your effort to sue the state prevail, and everything else you ever attempt in your life fail miserably!  Cheers!  

Nichols is a great example of the depths the GOP has sunken to.  He comes onto his face book page trying to pimp his candidate, and when I point out the flaws with said candidate, Nichols says the California Right to Carry is a one issue organization, and that 2nd amendment issues are the only issues that matter to the organization.  Well that may be (although I seriously doubt it), but if you're going to pimp a candidate to the supporters of your organization, then those supporters shouldn't research the candidate, ask you questions about the candidate, and challenge you on the candidate and your support for them?

Through the course of the dialogue between me and Charles Nichols, he revealed his true colors by referring to some members of the Republican Party as RINO's, which affectionately refers to certain people as "Republican In Name Only".

That term, RINO, really highlights the problem the Republican Party is facing today.  They have decided to become a radical, ultra right-wing party, pledging their allegiance to the worst of the corporationists and the radical religious groups in our country, and have forced the moderates out of the party.  Today, the bulk of the Republican party looks alot more like Michele Bauchman and Todd Akin than it does Olympia Snow, or even Ronald Reagan.  When the majority of your supporters resemble Michele Bauchman instead of Ronald Reagan, that should be a great indication you have a serious problem.

Charles Nichols, and the Republican party have 99 problems...  But becoming president wont be one of them.  At least not until they pull their heads out of their asses.


  1. Huey, whom I've met, is a businessman who wants to help restore balance to California's messed up political situation (Democrat supermajorities in both State houses) and also happens to be pro-2A which is why Nichols supports him. I don't think the GOP has anything to do with it. I doubt Nichols is even a Republican.

  2. Hey Ed, thanks for your comment. My beef with Nichols has nothing to do with 2A issues, I actually support his effort to sue the state over this open carry nonsense.

    What I have beef with him about, is his creating a page soliciting support for that effort, and then preaching his views of other topics on that page, and then objecting when you challenge him on anything that he says. Nichols doesn't have the stones to have a real debate about any of his claims on his public forum, his only response is to ban you so that you can no longer comment. I don't care if he's a member of the GOP or not, he's going to find his efforts to fight for 2A issues will not succeed if he does not embrace people who may disagree with him on other issues, but supports his efforts on 2A issues. Have a great day Ed.
