Thursday, November 22, 2012

History of Thanksgiving

How FDR Changed Thanksgiving

By Jennifer Rosenberg,

President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a lot to think about in 1939. The world had been suffering from the Great Depression for a decade and the Second World War had just erupted in Europe. On top of that, the U.S. economy continued to look bleak. So when U.S. retailers begged him to move Thanksgiving up a week to increase the shopping days before Christmas, he agreed. He probably considered it a small change; however, when FDR issued his Thanksgiving Proclamation with the new date, there was an uproar throughout the country.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Everything in Moderation

I had a conversation recently with a man named Charles Nichols, of the California Right to Carry.  Nichols is a great example of the depths the GOP has sunken to. Through the course of the dialogue between me and Charles Nichols, he revealed his true colors by referring to some members of the Republican Party as RINO's, which refers to certain members of the GOP as "Republican In Name Only".

That term, RINO, really highlights the problem the Republican Party is facing today. Since the early 90's, they have decided to become a radical, ultra right-wing party, pledging their allegiance to the worst of the corporationists and the radical religious groups in our country, and over the last 10 years or so, have been on  a mission to force the moderates out of the party.  Because of the success of that mission, today, the bulk of the Republican party looks alot more like Michele Bauchman, Allen West, Rick Santorum, and Todd Akin than it does Olympia Snow, or even Ronald Reagan. When the majority of your supporters resemble Michele Bauchman instead of Ronald Reagan, that should be a great indication you have a serious problem.  [By the way, while we're on the topic of Santorum, try googling it, it's fun]   

But today's GOP has been living in a fantasy land of denial and self delusion, partially helped out by their cheerleaders at Fox News. Their self delusion is so deep, they actually believe Romney is a moderate, and they lost the election because they ran a candidate that is too moderate.  Really, I'm not making this up.  It makes you wonder if they started lighting up before recreational marijuana use began to become decriminalized last week.

The truth is, while Romney is skilled at acting like a moderate, there is nothing moderate about him. He is a hybrid Republican. A combination of two of the worst parts of American citizenry: He's both a corproationist, and a radical religious nut job.  Romney ties together the two radical wings of the Republican party better than anyone since Bush Jr, except unlike the Bush the second, Romney is extremely smart and shrewd.

The country as a whole, however, isn't any more like the radical republicans angry at the moderates they call RINO's, than they are like the radical democrats that get so frustrated with their own moderates, which they call, "Blue Dog Democrats".  Almost all of us lie somewhere in the middle, either slightly right of center, or slightly left.  Americans are much more like RINO's and Blue Dogs, than the GOP realizes, and not recognizing that will be the kiss of death for their party, relegating them to the status of a weak, regional party.

If either party wakes up from their self imposed delusion and realizes we are a country of moderates flanked by some very loud radicals, instead of their current view, that we are a country of radicals plagued by the existence of some moderates, then they can forge a bi-partisan coalition that can successfully govern for decades.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gun Toting Liberal on Facebook

I just came across something new that I thought looked interesting.  I'm going to follow their page and see if they have anything worthwhile to say...  So far so good.  :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veterans Day!

November 11th every year is always celebrated with a parade that few people show up to, a few patriotic commercials, a free entree at Applebees, and for a fortunate few, a day off work.

The National Postal Mail Handlers Union got it right in a commercial I saw on TV this morning when they said our veterans don't want a parade when they come home, they want a job.

The unemployment rate for Veterans is 6.7% on veterans day this year (that figure doesn't include long term unemployed or under employed).  If you really want to do something nice for a veteran this year, hire one...  When you hire them, pay them a living wage with medical and dental benefits.

If you're not in a position to hire a veteran this year, celebrate veterans day by volunteering at your local shelter or soup kitchen.  In 2009, over 75,000 veterans were homeless.  

Celebrate veterans day by serving those who have sacrificed so much by serving you.

Many Americans mistakenly believe that Veterans Day is the day America sets aside to honor American military personnel who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained from combat. That's not quite true. Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor America's war dead.

Veterans Day, on the other hand, honors ALL American veterans, both living and dead. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank LIVING veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country. November 11 of each year is the day that we ensure veterans know that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in their lives to keep our country free.

If you'd really like to do something for veterans, hire a veteran, feed a veteran, or hug a veteran...  That's what they really need.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thoughts on Corporations Impact on the Enviornment

Q.   That's unbelievable!  Why do we continue to shit right where we eat?

A.  Because there are "billions of dollars of business yet to be done" with anything involving "natural resources"...

Q.  We can't put all the blame on corporations, they are just doing what they do. They exist to make money. Would you blame a rattle snake for biting you? That's their nature. I blame us, for allowing the corporations to operate with impunity without any financial consequence for the damage they cause the rest of us in the name of shareholder profit. That's what government is supposed to be used for, instead of dictating to us or marital and medical choices.

A.   Easier? I think it may be the ONLY way to solve the problem. Right now the government's being corrupted by those greedy fucks trying to tell people that "regulation is evil" and holding up cases of batshit-insane regulations (e.g. a classic case of a milk spill being regulated like an oil spill). Then people vote against regulations - like CA did in voting against GMO labeling - and everyone loses...

Q.  I suggest it should be the only way to solve the problem.  

Friday, November 9, 2012

Charles Nichols - California Right To Carry

What a disappointment! Charles Nichols, founder/organizer of California Right To Carry, while he may be doing good work with regards to suing the state over the prohibition of concealed carry, and open unloaded carry, turns out is a grade A #1 douche bag.

Right before the election, he decided to pimp his favorite candidate on the California Right To Carry Facebook Page, and when I responded with an opinion he didn't like, he deleted my posts and banned me from posting to the site.

You know your position is weak and your arguments are flawed when you can't allow anyone to see them challenged on your facebook page.

And to think I was going to open my wallet and send him a donation to help pay for the court case he's fighting.  I'm glad I hadn't sent it yet.

That guy is a joke.

You can see the conversation in the photo below.  When he refers to TB, he's talking to me.  All my posts were deleted.  I wish I had anticipated that and captured a picture to post here before he deleted my posts.  I should have known he was weak enough to pull something like that.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thoughts on Government Assistance Programs

There is some abuse and some gaming the system for sure, but I can assure you, their lives suck as a result. They are not living high on the hog, enjoying all their "free stuff".  The truth is they are limiting their entire life with the choices they are making. That's the punishment they deserve for their poor choices. 

Are we, in order to spite a few scumbags, to deprive those who need help to educate themselves and/or their children so they can have the opportunity to contribute to our communities and our economies and create a better life for themselves and their children?

Why on earth could we ever begin to consider to raise taxes on the poor and middle class, or consider cutting benefits or entitlement programs for the middle class, or aid for the poor, without first cutting the BILLIONS of dollars GIVEN to EXTREMELY WEALTHY corporations EVERY YEAR in the form of TAX SUBSIDIES?  Does that really reflect our values as Americans?

Thoughts on Government Regulation

It is certainly true we need to look at our regulations and really figure out (in a non partisan, agnostic manner) what works to achieve it's desired goals, and what doesn't, and to figure out what causes undesirable, unintended consequences, and weigh those consequences vs the benefits and make decisions about what to keep and what to cut based on our shared values. I think we all can find common ground there... But to say we need to get rid of regulations, or to suggest the government shouldn't be regulating business, is to suggest something from the extreme right that is neither reasonable, nor rational, and will never happen. We could find common ground and work together to move the country forward, or we can take positions on the far left and the far right and see which one shouts louder and go nowhere. What would you prefer?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thoughts on the Presidential Election

Now that we've had our election, it's time to move on.  Sure the Dems are going to do some celebrating, and the Republicans are going to spend some time licking their wounds, but at some point (and we better do this real soon) we're going to have to address the big question that sits like an elephant in the room; where do we go from here?

Now, in Obama's second term, if we are going to have any success in tackling the problems we face, we are going to have to sit down, talk to each other, and find a way to work together.

I don't understand why can't Republicans and Democrats find common ground, negotiate, and work together? For instance, could liberals do away with outlawing firearms if conservatives could agree to let women make their own decisions about birth control and abortion?  Can't we all agree on both sides that both of those are civil rights issues that are protected by the constitution and should be up to the individual to choose how they want to live their life?  Can't the Democrats tell the anti-gun nuts to hit the road, and can't the Republicans put the anti-abortion wackos in the backseat instead of the drivers seat, and govern from the middle instead of from the extreme left or right?

Could liberals agree to not allow public unions to use money taken from the pay of it's members to fund political campaigns, if conservatives could agree corporations are not people and do not have a right to unlimited campaign donations? Could we all agree that public education is important for the prosperity of our country, and that our public education system is broken and needs to be fixed? 

I think we have room to move forward together, regardless of our particular ideology.  

I believe if both sides can work together in areas where they can find common ground, we can accomplish alot.  If the GOP continues to dig in and not cooperate on anything, simply with the goal of not allowing Obama to come away from anything with any victories, then unfortunately, we are going to go the way of the Romans.   I don't think that's going to happen.   Things have looked bad before...  During/just after the civil war things looked really bad, the future was in question, during/right after the great depression things were awful and the future was in question, during the 80's as/after the cold war ended, we had horrible recession, horrible budget deficits, horrible inflation and terribly high interest rates.  The thing that's always worked about our country in the past was we were always able to work together, regardless of particular ideology, toward improving/strengthening the middle class, and although there always have been good times, and bad times, things progressively always got better over the long run.  Today, we have a country where the corporationsts and the radical religious zealots are trying to wrestle control of our country away from it's democratic principles, and if we allow that to happen, all is lost...  But if we can return to our democratic ideals of working together to promote personal liberty, creating opportunity, and building a strong middle class, we can over come this tough challenge, as well as any other that faces us.  I sincerely believe that.

As dark and as forboding as things seem now, if we can try to see through the fog (even if it requires a third eye, instead of just the two we're used to using), if we can see through this darkness, there is a future on the other side of it.  There is prosperity on the other side of it.  The question is, will we do what it takes to get us there?  I think that question will be answered by the Republican party in the weeks/months to come as we try to deal with the impending "fiscal cliff."    

Put on your seatbelts, I doubt this ride will be boring.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Some thoughts on Marijuana Legalization

I do not use Marijuana.  My wife can confirm that for you non-believers out there.  That being said, all of the arguments to prohibit marijuana work even better for alcohol.  
Q.  Why have one and not the other?
A.  My answer to that is we shouldn't elevate one over the other.
Q.  Why not prohibit both?
A.  My answer to that is liberty.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thoughts on Gay Marriage

Q. Marriage is a religious ceremony, right? Why are the same people who are always up in arms about separation of church and state the same who want the state to regulate the church when it comes to marriage. No regulation one way or the other should be allowed. Smaller Fed government and power returned to the states to make up their own minds, and if you don't like how it is in a red state, move to a blue state. Freer and happier people I bet.

A. There are two aspects to marriage. A religious ritual, which the government has no place in regulating... And a civil contract, which the church has no authority over. I don't care what churches do inside their property (as long as it doesn't violate the tax code requirements that allow them to remain tax exempt), but when it comes to the civil contract, none of the laws regulating it should have anything to do with religious requirements.  No one wants the state to regulate church my friend. they want the church to stop intruding on civil government matters.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Find a way to serve a veteran on Veterans Day!

Less than 1% of Americans are veterans.  Many of them are unemployed, homeless, and/or alone.  If you have done well in this country, you've done so thanks to the veterans who've secured for us what we have at great personal sacrifice.

Do something for a veteran this year on Veterans Day.  If you own a business, hire a veteran, if you can't hire but already employ a veteran, give them a raise, or at least an extra day off with pay.  If you're not a business owner/manager, feed a veteran...  Invite a veteran over for a meal with your family.  Contact a shelter or s soup line to volunteer to help feed the homeless (many of whom are veterans).  If you have a skill and you're aware of a specific need, use your skill to serve a veteran...  For instance, if you're a plumber and you know a veteran who is having plumbing problems in their families home, why wouldn't you do what you can to help someone who has done so much for us?

Help your favorite veteran...  A family member, a coworker you know and like, a neighbor...  

Here'a a great idea for those who don't know any veterans:  A number of chain restaurants around the country, including Chile's, Applebee's, Outback Steakhouse and many others are offering free meals to veterans on Veteran's Day.

Call around your area and see which chains are offering free anything and ask what documentation is needed. Then call your local VA facility or VFW hall and find out which vets have no family, or no money, or haven't been out to a restaurant in years. Grab your spouse or a buddy and go and take that vet or vets to lunch.

Regardless of what you decide to do, or who you decide to help, observe Veterans day this year by doing something to serve those who've served.