Friday, July 29, 2011

Why Google wants your real name

Why Google cares if you use your real name

There’s a very simple business reason why Google cares if they have your real name. It means it’s possible to cross-relate your account with your buying behavior with their partners, who might be banks, retailers, supermarkets, hospitals, airlines. To connect with your use of cell phones that might be running their mobile operating system. To provide identity in a commerce-ready way. And to give them information about what you do on the Internet, without obfuscation of pseudonyms.
Simply put, a real name is worth more than a fake one.

Friday, July 15, 2011

You're no daisy!

"I beg to differ sir... We started a game we never got to finish..." - Doc Holliday

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vasona Park

Oak Meadow Park and Vasona Park are next door neighbors, located on the Los Gatos Creek in  Los Gatos, CA.  It's located 51 miles south of San Francisco, and 10 miles Southwest of San Jose, right off the the 85 Freeway.

There's lots to like about this park.  The creek is wonderful, the Vasona Resevoir and the pedestrian bridge that crosses it, tons of resident ducks and geese, as well as a breeding colony of Blue Herons that nest there in the late winter.  The playground equipment for the kids and the meadows you can rent for larger groups.  It's all wonderful, but of all of it our favorite feature of the park is the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pawlenty on being gay: Is it a choice?

Pawlenty was interviewed last Sunday by David Gregory on Meet the Press.  One of  the questions he was asked was if he thinks being gay is a choice.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Unlimited campaign contributions who?

‎"Knock, knock." -- Stephen Colbert.
(Who's there?) 
"Unlimited union and corporate campaign contributions." 
(Unlimited union and corporate campaign contributions who?) 
"That's the thing. I don't think I should have to tell you."

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Perspectives: Good vs. Bad

I was reading an article on NPR recently, and it reminded me about how all of our perspectives differ, even if just slightly.

A new perspective on Mt. Rushmore

Our perspectives of a particular object or idea are completely subjective and relative; They are relative to our position.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

"It is time to stop ceding control of the marijuana market to unregulated, criminal entrepreneurs and allow states the authority to enact common sense regulations that seek to govern the adult use of marijuana in a fashion similar to alcohol."  

HR 2306, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011, proposed by Reps. Barney Frank and Ron Paul, will end the federal prohibition of small amounts of Marijuana.  It's about time!  Story at

Friday, July 8, 2011

Court orders end of Don't Ask Don't Tell

Finally, a federal court orders the military to immediately stop enforcing the policy referred to as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" that discriminates against people based on their sexual preference.  Full Story.
""The circumstances and balance of hardships have changed, and (the government) can no longer satisfy the demanding standard for issuance of a stay,"   - 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

It has taken way too long to get rid of this terrible, discriminatory, government practice.  It's interesting a group of Republicans were the ones who petitioned the court for this ruling....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

For twisted logic, facts are terribly inconvenient

While preparing an article I was writing for my weblog, I came across a christian weblog called "Christian Men - Christian Warriors" where the author, Trent Cotton, was retelling a conversation he had with someone he was interviewing to potentially hire.  The person he was talking with lived in California, and was talking about wildfires that were burning near the persons home.  Cotton said he was told the person was prevented from using their air conditioner out of fear the air conditioner might suck up a burning ember and force it throughout their home using the AC duct.
"If one were to have their air condition on, the unit would pull in air from the air outside and push it through the various ducts throughout the house.  All it would take was one or two of these embers being sucked into the air ducts to begin a raging fire...  The houses burn from the inside out.”
He went on to use that experience as an analogy to explain to people how god "consumes" people's lives, starting as a small ember and growing into a "raging fire."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Strawberries

10.  Home-grown strawberries often taste better.
Commercial strawberry growing operations exist to turn a profit.  Nothing wrong with that, of course.  It is what all businesses do.  But, in order to maximize their profits, they generally select strawberry plant varieties that produce durable, shippable strawberries in high numbers.  They usually have decent flavor, but your own strawberries usually taste noticeably better.  

9.  It is cheaper to buy strawberry plants than strawberries in the store.
There are plenty of people who offer very affordable strawberry plants for sale.  While the prices vary depending on the seller and quantity purchased and variety, ten to twenty-five strawberry plants can often be purchased for less than $20.00 and can even be found for under $10.00.  Usually, 25 strawberry plants will adequately supply a family of four with strawberries.  Just a few strawberry purchases in the grocery store will likely cost more (see our Strawberry Buying Guide to make the most of your money if buying retail strawberries).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July - Other people suck

I had a great 4th of July this year...  Until we had to be around other people.  My tolerance for being around other people appears to be waning more and more as I get older.

Most of the day was spent by ourselves.  I took the day off work.  I spent much of it in the pool.  It was a nice hot day and the water was wonderful.  I grilled an awesome steak, a fillet mignon I purchased from Sprouts.  After sunset we walked to a local park and watched the cities fireworks show.  

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

One In Four Americans Doesn’t Know From Which Country We Declared Our Independence    

Full Story

Happy Independence Day!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Is your marriage really that weak?

Rick Santorum is spewing again!  Full Story

“The reason the left has gone after same-sex marriage is because it’s a two-fer,” Santorum said. “When you redefine marriage, you cheapen marriage. You make it into something less valuable, less special … [and] it is a sure bet that will undermine faith.”  

 The "left" has "gone after" same-sex marriage because we believe in equality.  The idea that allowing everyone the same marriage rights that Santorum enjoys will not cheapen, or undermine anyone else's marriage or faith.

Is your marriage, and your religion really so weak that your neighbors getting married can undermine it?  If so, maybe you should focus your energy on working on that instead of trying to prevent your neighbors from being able to legally marry.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

SOA Season 4

Sons of Anarchy Season 4 is only 2 months away...  Are you looking forward to it?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Burpees Seeds... And Collies

I found a great article on Terrierman's Daily Dose about W. Atlee Burpee of Burpees Seed Company.  Really interesting information and great photos!