Friday, November 26, 2010

Movie Review: Hell Ride

Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, and David Carradine star in this fictional story of a long, bloody feud between the Victors Motorcycle Club and the 666ers Motorycle Club.

Classic Tarantino, it's full of bikes, guns, and naked chicks.  Total biker flick.

The bikes are great!  Several old Indians, lots of beautiful Harley's, even a Triumph thrown in for flavor...  The music was really good, lots of great riding scenes, lots of great special effects, action, fighting, and a little bit of sex...  I really enjoyed this movie and plan to add it to my collection.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Catholics are still talking about Homosexuals...

Where do they get off talking about anything?  When the Catholic Church stops covering up pedophilia in the church, and stops protecting pedophiles from prosecution, MAYBE we'll begin to give a shit about what they think about the lifestyle choices of consenting adults....   But probably not...

Full Story

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Fat Mexican is going to court

The Fat Mexican has filed a lawsuit against the city of Shawnee, OK after police allegedly violated the law while attempting to enforce it.

Full Story

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Congress of Liars?

Yesterday on Michele Bachman said on the Ed Schultz show "A plumber who owns his own business would have to pay income taxes on gross sales receipts that exceeded $250,000.  Considering she has a masters degree in tax law, she must know no one pays income tax on gross sales receipts.  She made a "material misrepresentation of the facts" in an effort to manipulate people's understanding of Obama's plan with regards to the Bush Tax Rates expiring.  Unfortunately, knowingly spreading incorrect/inaccurate information is something that has become commonplace in Congress.

If a real estate agent makes a material misrepresentation of the facts, it's an ethics violation.  They lose their license and suffer civil liability, but our elected leaders are allowed to like to us with little/no repercussions.  Why don't we force our politicians to adhere to the level ethics we require of a Realtor?  Why do we allow them to lie to us?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Movie Review: Mask

A wonderful movie about a teenager who has learned to to be happy in spite living with a disorder that disfigured his face and eventually kills him.

I really enjoy the movie because it gives an subtle look at family life of a motorcycle club.  While it's not the point of the movie, you really get to see the brother hood and family love that exists inside a club and the families that are affiliated with the club.

In this case, Gar, played by Sam Elliott (one of my favorite actors) re-enters the life of Rocky Dennis played by Eric Stoltz because Gar is dating Rockys mother, Rusty, played by Cher.  Gar is a member of the fictitious motorcycle club called The Turks.

The scenes of the Turks taking care of each other, taking care of Rocky's family, socializing together and riding together are what make this one of my favorite movies.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Terrible Accident; Motorcyclists killed

4 motorcyclists were killed in a terrible accident yesterday in Imperial County, CA when a vehicle crashed into a pack of bikers.  The vehicle at fault for the accident fled and is still at large.

Full Story

Saturday, November 13, 2010

SOA Update

It sounds like Sonny Barger is going to have a cameo role in the last episode of this season.  Full Story

I think that's awesome and I can't wait to see it!

Sonny Barger Filmography

Friday, November 12, 2010

Harrahs settles with bystanders

Harrahs Casino has settled with bistanders who witnessed the fight at Harrahs Casino between the Hells Angels and the Mongols Motorycle Club in 2002.    Full Story

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chinese farmer motorcycles across world -- for peace

by Xuefei Chen Axelsson   2010-11-07 16:28:19
STOCKHOLM, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese farmer who is taking an around-the-world motorbike tour with his teenage daughter says he is doing it for the sake of promoting peace.
"My main mission is to call for and promote world peace. I am persistently travelling with my motorcycle and I see the whole world is opening a way for me," Chen Liangquan told Xinhua in Stockholm on Saturday before leaving for Norway.
"I feel people around the world including those in Afghanistan love peace. I have motorcycled across seven countries which are in war and conflict. I can feel people in those countries desperately long for peace," Chen said.
"I love to contribute more to world peace with my world travel," he said, adding that he has collected signatures of some 200,000 people along the way using various languages calling for peace.
Chen, who began his world tour in 2003, plans to visit a total of 160 countries before 2013. Sweden is the 57th country he has visited. The tour has already taken him to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries, as well as the whole African continent.
He was born in 1962 in a small village in Xuancheng of China's eastern province of Anhui. After graduating from high school, he often rode a bicycle travelling from village to village, selling dates, rice and pig feed, which helped hone his riding skills, earning the nickname "the King of the Bike."
But he had been planning something big for a long time. Back in the school days, Chen had always dreamed of travelling around China like legendary ancient Chinese geographer and writer Xu Xiake.
On Aug. 1, 1986, he started his round-China tour on a bicycle on his own. To cover his travel expenses, he performed self-choreographed bicycle stunts all along the way.
In December 1999, Chen had travelled across all the cities in China's mainland.
Based on his travel experience in China, he wrote books, held photo exhibitions and gave lectures. Then he developed a much more ambitious idea -- an around-the-world motorbike tour -- for peace.
"Peace is the most important thing in this world. Without peace, one cannot live a healthy and free life," Chen said.
"My goal is to establish a peace fund and establish peace schools in the future, I really hope the war in Afghanistan could end and Jerusalem become a place without exchange of fires," Chen said.
In August, when Chen set off again, he was no longer lonely and had good company. His daughter Chen Youyou, who completed her studies at the famous Shaolin Gongfu school, joined him on the tour.
"For myself, there was no problem sometimes staving off my hunger with wild fruits in the forests and sleeping rough in the open. It would be enough for me to only sleep one hour during lunchtime. But currently with my daughter, I must take good care of her to have enough to eat and a room to sleep in at least," Chen said.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hells Angeles settles lawsuit against Alexander McQueen


Wednesday, November 3rd 2010, 11:56 AM

The French design house Alexander McQueen doesn't have to fear the sound of revving motorcycle engines anymore.

The Hells Angels have settled their lawsuit against the brand as well as Saks Fifth Avenue department store and online retailer  The defendants will pull all merchandise featuring the motorcycle gangs trademark "death's head" insignia, reports New York magazine.

The companies will attempt to recall all merchandise, including rings, dresses and purses featuring the trademarked design and have the pricy items destroyed destroyed. 

The Angels insignia is trademarked and for 'members only' said the gang's attorney Fritz Clapp.

In 2006, the Hells Angels filed a lawsuit against Disney for using the Hells Angels name and membership images in its script for the film "Wild Hogs."

The gang withdrew the complaint after receiving assurances that its marks would not appear in the film, according Clapp, reported the Financial Times.

In 1999, the Giuliani administration paid  $450,000 to seven members of the Hells Angels and two of the bikers' girlfriends to settle a lawsuit over a police raid on the group's headquarters in the East Village, the New York Times reported. 

"The reason for them doing it is, I guess, because we're the Hells Angels," one Angel told the Times. "They have this strange idea that we're all illegal criminals or something.''

Original Story

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On the Issues : My 2010 Election Ballot

I  My Political Ideology:

No matter how you vote this year, all that really matters is that you do vote!  I have filled out my absentee ballot and I'll be dropping it off at my local polling place on Tuesday.  My election this year occurs in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of California.

I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat.  As far as I'm concerned, they are both almost the exact same party (at least in a fiscal sense).  Both parties want to over tax us and over spend, the only difference is what they want to spend our money on.  The Republicans want to redistribute the wealth of middle class Americans through subsidies and tax breaks to large, multi-national corporations.  The Democrats want to redistribute the wealth of middle class Americans to poor people and poor communities all over the US and abroad.  I'm not a fan of either.

I do consider myself a conservative.  I believe the political beliefs I have are (or should be) conservative positions, and I believe the GOP has hijacked and perverted the conservative platform.  I was raised to believe civil liberties and fiscal responsibility were conservative values.  Today, neither of those are important to Republican politicians.  The GOP makes alot of noise about fiscal responsibility, but don't let them fool you, they like wealth redistribution just as much as the dems...  They just want the money to flow in the opposite direction.

Although I consider myself a conservative, most people who also call themselves conservatives consider me a liberal....  Interestingly enough, those who call themselves liberal consider me a conservative...  I am probably one of those hated "moderates"...

II  The Candidates:

Generally speaking, I usually vote against all of the major party candidates by voting for a third party candidate.  If I don't know much about any of the third party candidates, I generally mark the box for the Libertarian, knowing they aren't going to win anyway, it's more of a statement of disdain for the major parties than anything else.

Governor:  Dale Ogden, Libertarian

I can't stand Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown, and I don't care which becomes governor (although I'd probably prefer Brown) because both of them would make a terrible governor.  Jerry Brown is a terrible Governor (he was our Governor before and did a terrible job then), a terrible mayor, and a "less than good" Attorney General.  A career California politican that's always done a shitty job...  So why vote for him now.

I just generally don't like Meg.  On top of that, she's a Republican...  Right off the bat that's bad enough to disqualify her as far as I'm concerned.  Also, she's not a Californian.  She moved here to take her job at Ebay.  To add insult to injury, she's a filthy rich Republican, totally out of touch with middle class California.  Just not a good candidate.

Lt. Governor:  Gavin Newsom, Democrat

I was really disappointed he didn't run for Governor.  He would have had my vote for sure.  Great mayor of SF, would have made a great Governor.  Maybe he'll run when Brown terms out.

Secretary of State:  Christina Tobin, Libertarian

Controller:  Andrew Favor, Libertarian

Treasurer:  Edward Teyssier, Libertarian

Attorney General:  Timothy Hannan, Libertarian

Republican Steve Cooley?  Are you joking?  The last thing we need is a radical religious wacko enforcing his extreme brand of christianity as California law. Democrat  Kamala Harris was a terrible city attorney in San Francisco, and would make a crappy Attorney General.  Why would I vote for her?

Insurance Commissioner:  Richard Bronstein, Libertarian

State Board of Equalization District 1:  Kennita Watson, Libertarian

United States Senator:  Barbara Boxer, Democrat

I've voted in every election in California since 1992, and this is the first time I've ever voted for Boxer, and to be honest, I hated doing it this time, but I did it this year because I decided a vote for anyone else would be a vote for Fiorina, and I feel like Fiorina is the ONLY reason to vote for Boxer.

US Representative:  Mike Honda, Democrat

State Assembly, District 22:  T.J. Campbell, Libertarian

Judicial:  No vote

Superintendent of Public Instruction:  no vote

Board of Education:  no vote

Freemont Union High school district board member: no vote

III  Measures Submitted to the Voters:

Prop 19, Legalize marijuana:  Yes.  Hell yes!

I really hope prop 19 passes.  Prohibition against marijuana hasn't worked any better than the 1930's prohibition against alcohol.  It has caused the same problems as alcohol prohibition, and truly, there is not a single reason for it to be illegal, aside from imposing one persons morality and lifestyle choices onto everyone else, which I'm against in any situation.

Prop 20, Redistricting: Yes

We must take redistricting authority away from the politcians to end gerrymandering.

Prop 21,  Annual DMV Fee for state parks:  Yes

I really hope this passes.  Our state parks are in terrible shape, they are worth investing in, and this will provide them the funds they need while doing away with park entry fees so that every Californian who can get to a state park can enjoy it without having to pay an entry fee.  Great program!

Prop 22, Prohibits state from stealing money from transportation funds to pay for other shit:  Yes

Prop 23, Suspends air pollution law:  No

I felt the oil companies were pushing this to make it harder to encourage green industries.  I'm no fan of big oil.  I believe in a sustainable way of life.

Prop 24, repeals recent change in business tax law:  No.

If there were ever a case that supports a representative democracy vs a direct democracy, this propisition is it.  I really struggled with deciding how to vote on this one, and I'm still not sure I voted the right way on it.

Prop 25, changes vote requirement for budgets to simple majority (except for raising taxes): Yes

Prop 26, requires taxes and fees required a 2/3 vote:  Yes

Prop 27, eliminates state commission on redistricting:  No

A yes vote on this one cancels out Prop 20.  We must take redistricting authority away from the politcians to end gerrymandering.

Measure A, Childrens Health Protection:  No.

All children in California are already covered under Medi-Cal.  The last thing we need in this recession is more taxes, more spending, and more social welfare programs....  Even if that program is called "milk for babies and kittens act".

Measure B, Tax to repair county roads:  No.

Use the money we're already paying in taxes more effeciently.  I'm not going to vote to give the county more money to waste.

Measure C, term limits for water board members:  yes

Term limits for any office are good!

Measure E, annual parcel tax to benefit Foothill and Deanza College:  Yes

Our colleges are struggling and we need to support them.

Measure U, Marijuana Business Tax:  yes

Legalize it and tax it!

Measure V, limit powers of outside arbitrators:  No

Are you kidding me?  this sounds like an attempted power grab if I've ever seen one...

Measure W, City Pension Reform:  Yes

Pensions for public employees are very important, but we have to be able to pay for them.  We can't allow them to bankrupt us.